The WASH needs assessment in Yei and Gumbo, South Sudan was funded by the German Government through Welt hunger hilfe South Sudan sought to;
The assessment adopted a mixed-methods approach utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. Quantitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews with learners and teachers. Qualitative data was collected through Key Informants Interviews, Focus Group discussions guides and observation. The key informants included; State / County Officials, Payam / Boma officials, Maintenance bodies (Hand Pump Mechanics), community-based management bodies if present (Water Management Committees), community-of-users, School Administration, and SMCs / PTAs. FGD participants included; school children both boys and girls of various age groups and community members.
Quantitative data from the semi-structured questionnaire was collected digitally using KoBoCollect mobile data collection software in the two locations of Yei and Gumbo and this increased efficiency and minimized exposure risks to COVID-19.