The assessment was commissioned by IMA World Health under Momentum Integrated Health Resilience project – South Sudan (MIHR). The assessment sought to provide evidence to inform the development of USAID/South Sudan’s SBC efforts related to increasing voluntary use of FP/RH care, awareness of GBV, and health-seeking behavior. This assessment investigated social norms related to Family Planning choice and decision-making, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), attitudes towards GBV, and decisions related to health-seeking behavior. Information was also gathered on influencers and gatekeepers of social norms in South Sudan.
The following research themes (areas of investigation) guided the data collection to provide an evidence base to inform SBC design, programming, messaging, and monitoring and evaluation;
The assessment adopted across-sectional and descriptive study designs utilizing qualitative methods of inquiry to promote an in-depth understanding of social norms in South Sudan and how women and men think about FP/RH and GBV, and to better understand how decisions are made about the use of family planning and related health-seeking behavior. Data was collected vignettes (depiction of real-life stories) and it included in-depth interviews women & men (aged 15-24 & 25-49 years, married & unmarried, key community influencer interviews and key informant interviews.